why you ask..well not only do i get to hang out with my amAzing God all day every day but on top of that He takes SUCH good care of me. These past few months my friendships have become stronger, my family is functioning better, and I have this overwhelming joy and delight. God is seriously SO prime.
Today I was blessed to be able to share with my church family a little piece of what God's got going on with me and how he just continues to bless me...i've stopped wearing socks because He keeps blessing them off! I've got a little over 3 weeks left until i leave AND i am SOO excited to share that due to the overwhelming love of my God and the generosity of my church and those who have jumped on board with me that other than my flight home i have ALL my support!!! When i began this journey of "God are you really sending me back?!" He told me "Kayla not only am i sending you but i am going to provide all your support for you, as you were so faithful with giving your own money on your last trip" and now God's words have become reality, he has provided for me completely!!! I just get so excited when God makes himself so visible and His vision so clear. He loves me so much and provides everything i need He will never leave me nor forsake me ....ever!!
so i guess all that's left to say is a giant gracias!!! (thank you!) to everyone who has allowed God to use them. Thank you for the love, the support, the prayers aaaah the smiles and encouragement. Every little thing is God and it refreshes me so thank you thank you thank you!!!
You are so awesome KayRae! This is going to be one life-changing adventure for you! I will miss you but knowing God's plans are being outworked in your life makes me so excited! Love you!!!