- Gabriela Mistral
I bet I know what you are thinking! “Kayla? I do not espeak the espanish how am I supposed to know you didn’t just insult my mother…” Don’t worry, I didn’t! I found the quote in my planner and really liked it. I had never heard of Gabriela Mistral (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabriela_Mistral) before, as it turns out she was a humanitarian from Chile. She’s quoted as saying that there is great joy in living and being fair but before all those things is the immense joy of serving [!]
As someone who loves serving others, I had to admit she made an excellent point!
This past month and a bit has played around with my morale, I have been slapped in the face a few times (metaphorically, heehee and once literally – but I deserved it!). A friend of mine – Damaris, with whom I serve in the Sewing ministry- shared a story about this fishery that needed to move some Salmon across the country. SO they packed up a moving tank and shipped the fish off. When the tank arrived at it’s destination, all the fish inside were dead! The workers were trying to figure out what when wrong, how they could fix this mystery problem etc. One day, one of the lower level workers suggested that the reason the fish died was because salmon cannot remain motionless, they need to be continually moving. He said that in the next shipment they should put some catfish in the tank too. Catfish are bottom dwellers and would stay at the bottom of the tank and ensure that the salmon remained in motion during the trip (I guess because if the salmon got too close the catfish would nip them? haha that never came up in the story). Anyways, they did just that and all the fish in the second tank made it alive. So after explaining this she talked about how God puts catfish into our lives to keep us moving and on our toes!
I think that most people can be like the salmon in the first tank, staying still and dying!!! Okay, dying is a bit dramatic, basically we can lose our motivation/momentum or just not make a conscious effort to move forward and wind up drifting and not reaching our full potential… and dying! heehee okay, not dying right away, hmm but actually, yes, we will all die.. eventually… which is why we need Jesus! *insert cheering crowd
I recently had some work evaluations and walked out of one feeling completely deflated. I had taken a hard look at where I was at, what I have faced recently, how I was feeling, looking at some of my character flaws (i know you don’t believe I have any, but I too, am just a regular person and am flawed!). I was disappointed with myself, feeling like a loser trying to figure out what went wrong and why I couldn’t just have everything together – you know – like everyone else! Comparison is the best way to establish where you are at no?
So i decided that I was going to enjoy my ‘catfish’ and take advantage of the reality that each day is new and I’m not as big of a loser as I was allowing myself to think! I also ran across these verses multiple times in multiple Psalms:
Why am I discouraged?And I said to myself “Yea Kayla! What’s your deal? Why are you so sad?”
Why is my heart so sad?
I will put my hope in God!
I will praise him again – my saviour and my God. (psalm 42, 43..)
I had been a bit wrapped up in all my discouraging news and had taken to whining to God and asking him to help a sister out with some strength and peace. Not a bad response, however, I was letting the sadness overpower the joy we are to have in the face of problems (Romans 5:3). I half heartedly was thanking him for the wonderful opportunities these sucky situations were going to provide!
“I waited patiently for the Lord to help me and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as i walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord.”Psalm 40:1 –3
Amen! Right?! That’s pretty exciting stuff, I felt/feel so honoured that God is going to use me to lead others to him! When I read this verse names of people popped into my head and I got so excited and imagined them giving their lives to the Lord. A few days later one of the people I’d thought of reached out to me and asked me why I do what I do, wouldn’t it just be easier to serve in Canada where I wouldn’t have to face these setbacks… I got to share a bit about what it’s like to trust God and just because things aren’t easy doesn’t mean they’re not worthwhile and we aren’t called to do them. It was just a great time! Praise!
English – I am teaching the advanced class and am really enjoying it, i get to see many friends and as this group has a bit more understanding (and they’re a bit older) than the beginner class I am able to have more fun with the content and on the whole, feel more effective!
Neighbour kids – They came to visit me the other day and coloured me some pictures!
Sewing class – we’re learning to make clothes! and I memorized all the measurements and won a prize! All the ladies cheered for me – we had a moment, it was great!
Beach – faced my fear of water! Last week a friend invited me to go paddle boarding- yes most of you are like “ah Kayla! that’s the praise isn’t it?!” WRONG! For those of you who know me a bit better, you will know that I have a fairly intense and at times irrational fear of lakes, oceans – basically any body of water that is large and has things living in it (darn you National Geographic! I love you but you put too many ideas into my head!). So, occasionally I will try to face my fear, you know keep myself on my toes – fear will not define me!
We went, had the intro and the two guys working kind of see me going pale and just staring at the water haha – so mellow dramatic! But I was determined! So I get out into the water: Step 1! Success! Then, if you are familiar with paddle boarding you know that you start on your tummy, then move to your knees, then you stand up! We got fairly out into the bay and I was doing not too bad, just focused on paddling and then the instructor was like “Right, lets stand up” …I’m pretty sure I laughed at him and said “actually I prefer the view from knee level” …fast forward…I had decided that it was time to give it a go, you can’t go paddle boarding and NOT stand up! So I go for it and the first attempt proved not successful as a wave came and I quickly dropped back down. On my second attempt (haha embarrassingly about 10 minutes later) I managed to get up! YAY! I must have looked like a crazy person, my knees were trembling so badly from the nerves – however! I did not fall! and by the end of our time I was only shaking a little! I also got to see a school of fish up closeish – at the time I couldn’t decide if i was excited or petrified as I had just watched on Planet Earth the same type of fish surfacing before a humpback whale emerged from the depths!
School – Today I went and picked up my work booklet for my first class – which starts next Friday!
Visits - One of my favourite Canadians came to stay with me for a few days!
Step – Plans are in motion for the August team!
- Damaris (my friend and director of the Sewing ministry) has developed a weird, painful growth on her finger. Please pray that either God will heal it up overnight, miracle style! Or he will provide the knowledge of what it is and how to treat it to a medical professional. She has seen a doctor who had no idea what it could be.
- We said ‘see you later’ to one of our Striders, Jana, (she had been here since I arrived in 2014) – please pray that the Lord will guide her and prepare her next steps, ideally, letting her in on them!
- Another Strider tragically lost her grandfather last week, please keep her and her family in your prayers. Pray that the Lord will use this shock and time of mourning to draw the family to Him (they are non-believers). Pray they will find comfort in Him.
- This weekend I have a trip to see a future collaboration project (an adventure camp!) Pray that God will bless the time, travel, and that we will be able to see the potential and be able to work together!
I hope you have just an amazing rest of your week! Thank you SO much for your prayers and support. May God bless you abundantly and show up in every facet of your lives!
Big hugs!
Big hugs!
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