“A thankful mind-set does not entail a denial of reality with its plethora of problems”-Sarah Young
“Uh excuse you kayla?! WHAT is wrong with you!?!? You should be grateful for what you did get because it’s excellent!! As well, mammachan (that’s my mom) put this together in less than a week! You deserve nothing! Now!!! repent you tonta!!” (tonta is essentially idiot or dumb/stupid in Spanish).
What makes me chuckle is the irony of all this, when I told my mom about what happened instead of judging me and scolding my greediness we literally just giggled about the whole situation and what a todd i was (okay that’s an inside joke with my friend Janessa- whom none of you know but
The difference this time, i think, is that I have more pressure on me, most of which I put there – no one else was giving me any so i took some initiative and placed it there all by myself! This time ‘round i have more responsibility, freedom, I have more control over what I do where I do it and who with etc., and while it’s awesome to be growing - growing pains hurt!
BUT! (don’t you just love butts? heehee! i mean buts...) The nice thing to know is that God uses everything and nothing is wasted, just because things don’t go my way doesn’t mean they’re not useful and reality God’s way is way better than what i could have ever dreamed up on my own! I really do have SO MUCH to be thankful for...
- I have discovered a new Bible Study which so far (I’m two weeks in) has been delightful!
- New opportunities are popping up, not only for potential placements for other missionaries but things for me as well – In 2 weeks i get to go visit Isla Venado, which is outside of the Central Valley and I’m very excited to scope it out!
- I started running…okay, let’s be honest, walking and occasionally jogging with a friend of mine in the mornings, she’s super fun and it makes waking up at 6 am worthwhile!
- I had some delicious homemade Nicaraguan cheese soup accompanied by cheese soup tortas! Yum!
- I’ve been making conscious choices to push myself out of my comfort zone and so far it has been paying off!
While I do have tons of things to be grateful for I also have some PR’s (prayer requests) that if you have time I'd love to have your help in (aside from the usual: health, settling in, safety, Spanish, wisdom *see September 10 post)…
First off, i have not been technologically savvy this week - I wrecked my computer screen by closing the laptop onto a pair of earrings breaking the earrings and creating a mark ( i don’t know what it’s called i wrecked the ink or something) on the screen which started out small but continues to grow each day *siiiigh so daily i am reminded of my stupidity and carelessness. Please pray the blob does not get any bigger. I also dropped my good headphones into my cup of tea while skyping with my friend. I have since stuck those in some rice and it appears that they function, we’ll see if that lasts. But all in all this has not been my week for all things electronic.
Secondly, I will be homeless, again, in a month – i have seen a place that seemed to have potential but have not heard back from the owners. There is also a potential roommate – whom I've never met but she’s friends with my friend, who is awesome, so she too should be awesome by association. We’ll see how that goes. Either way we’re still praying about my living situation (where, cost, safety, adorable…)
Thirdly, I went with a friend, and her niece to the child social services on Friday to pick up her niece’s possessions (cell phone, clothes, money) as a little while ago her sister reported their mom to social services and had all the kids removed from the home and into, what i understood to be a shelter. They had all their things taken away from them and supposedly this building has them. Well we went and of course were shuffled around only to, ultimately, be told by a security guard that her stuff may or may not be there and the lady who would know is in a meeting for the entire day and she may or may not come back to the office. She probably would return because her car was parked there but maybe she would most likely just pick up her car and leave; she has a phone number but it’s her personal cell phone and isn’t given out…and then the guard just stood there unimpressed that we continued to ask questions and get some answers. As we walked away I was really irritated with how unprofessional the system is. Then i was told me that that was their 3rd time going to try and retrieve the items….. my jaw dropped! Please pray that they will be able to figure out the “system” and be able to recover the items that were taken.
“Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living. Wait patiently for the Lord.
Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord”
– Psalm 27: 13-14 (NLT)