I feel like there is SO much on my mind, that I want to share everything that I have been learning this past while, but honestly, there isn’t enough time or way to tangibly transfer what’s been coming at me…I wish there was a way to just pass the sensation or express how amazing it feels when the Holy Spirit is moving, piecing things together, spoiling you (I will always be the first to declare how super spoiled I am!) I feel so *caution this is going to sound soooo cheesy and cliché* blessed! Lately, every time I sit down and carve out some time to listen to a sermon, sing some songs or just generally banter with the Big Guy; He dumps revelation on me…honestly I don’t even know how to describe it.. it’s like the greatest, most warmest, most snuggliest hug you can picture and just when you think it couldn’t get any better you are showered in soft golden sparkly glitter (that doesn’t leave a mess…. obviously!) *siiigh, I just pictured it hahaha! We’re done here let’s go home, there’s nothing left to say!
Psych! There are SO many things to say! Firstly, let’s get something out of the way…. My peoples! I am thirty….
God is always moving.
Creating opportunities to encounter the unfamiliar.
Change can be a scary thing, it can be a wonderful thing, it can be a sad thing….as I listened to a sermon this morning (Click here to hear it!) Change is the only constant in this world. Sometimes we want to stay where we are at in the “illusion of safety” in what is comfortable, in the known…we can be tempted to settle. To settle with where we are at, with an abusive relationship, with a job that pays well but isn’t fulfilling…etc. One of the coolest things that I’ve been grasping lately is that God doesn’t allow me to settle. Sometimes I try…I really do, and like a good rebellious child i raise a resistance, I question everything.. “God, why isn’t this working? What am I doing wrong?” and sometimes the answer is simply “Oye, Kayla, this (insert whatever) isn’t good enough for you! Your standard is higher, you’re worth more!” Which at times is a hard pill to swallow. Sometimes, having a standard requires waiting, having difficult conversations (with others or myself), it’s not always the easiest path, sometimes too, it entails being misunderstood and instead of trying to force enlightenment you just have to leave it and trust that God will work it out in HIS timing. My inner control freak just adores releasing *she says while frantically grasping for a way to regain the steering wheel – which I find funny because I know in my heart and mind that God is a better driver but my instinct is to go at that wheel, and sometimes if God lets me take it, I panic and am like “AHH! Why did you give this to me:!???! You and I both know I can’t handle it! Take it back!!!” heehee, what can I say, I’m a complex lady! ;)
- July 14 my Step team arrives, everything has been happening so quickly I cannot believe they are almost here! Please cover us in prayer as we work in a northern community with a focus on children/adolescents and encouraging the community and surrounding communities. Please pray for opportunities and that a schedule would emerge and that the team would work seamlessly with the local congregation. Please pray for safety and wisdom to all team members (our youngest is 2.5 years old! – we’ll probably have her give the sermon on Sunday).
- Selfishly, I would like prayer for my sinuses and general health – do not be alarmed I am fine, but I’m coming into a busy season and I would like to be my best, most healthiest self!
Challenge: “…You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colours in the world. God is not a secret to be kept…be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God…” -Matt 5:14-16 (The MSG)
“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way”
- 2 Thes 3:16
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