January!!!The New Year started off great, on the 5th I shipped out to camp! We all know how much i loooove camp! The Carpio team (the community i worked in before on my 2010 and 2011/12 trips) invited me to come and be a counsellor. It was so fun! i thought i was going to be co-leading with my friend Marjorie but when I got there , they asked if we would split up as one of the other counsellors had backed out that morning! They had me responsible for 10…TEN!!! Teenage girls between the ages of 14-20. Four days later I left camp with 9 girls…9 out of 10 is pretty good, i think.
Sadly, one of my girls (17) decided it was the time for her to try and ride a bike for the first time ever…she ended up crashing and breaking her leg! It was horrible, she damaged her thigh bone so badly that they had to rush her into the city for surgery and pins. I’ve talked to her since and she is recovering well, gracias a Dios!
Aside from the broken bones, camp was a great experience! My cabin was described initially as being the one which would need extra supervision – which is why they planned to have 2 leaders…but instead it was just the non-fluent white girl responsible for the hyper active crew. To be honest, i have never been in a cabin with that much drama…However, i would not have changed anything – well almost nothing! We had our moments of disagreeing…like when they wanted to all wake up and 3:45 AM so that they could shower before camp started.. at 5…I tried to explain to them that we didn’t have to be anywhere until 5 am and the camp’s purpose was to get muddy and gross so showering in the morning was a waste of water and time and that sleeping was a much better option. I was overruled and labelled as disgusting haha it even inspired a chant where one would call out “Que Kayla se bañe” (That kayla will shower) and then the others would chant back in chorus “Te lo pidimos Señoooor” (Dear God we ask this of youuuu”). they’re soo clever – i had my retorts – asking God that they would stop obsessing over the boys and would stop complaining about getting bit by mosquitos (they each must have each brought at least 3-5 perfumes, creams..girly smelly products which they lathered on every 30 seconds…and they wondered why they were getting bit).
I didn't realize it either but apparently the majority of them were medical students as it seemed like every hour one of them had a grave illness that only the nurse on staff could cure! There was gastritis, sinusitis, and one had …a sore throat!!! Don don doooon! I tried to tell her that if she stopped screaming and drank some water that would most likely cure itself. Her response was priceless, with an eye roll and a tone so irritated she says: “No, Kayla! I need a pastilla!! (pill)” What do I know right? How so much attitude can be crammed into such a tiny sentence is amazing, you gotta love teenage girls!
When they weren’t chanting or visiting the infirmary we had some good bible studies and great conversations, several of the girls shared some pretty intense things (prostitution, abuse, drinking, drugs..) and by the end of the camp over half of them had repented and renewed their commitment to Jesus and asking him to be the leader of their lives. It was so precious to see them praying for each other; there were lots of tears, hugs and support. It is hard to hear about their backgrounds – one of the girls’ dad is in prison for stabbing her mom, others feel neglected, others are abused…it’s heartbreaking. I was so proud of them for being able to get the courage to share and ask for help! I don’t mean to brag but am pretty sure i had the best cabin….like, ever!
if you need to pee or grab a snack, now would be a good time for that
if you need to pee or grab a snack, now would be a good time for that
Now, back to business, I had a weekend to recover from all my bug bites (53 to be exact) that I got at camp. Then I was off to Aguas Claras (a town up in northern Alejuela) to translate for an American team coming from Boston.
Aguas Claras is a rural town and we all got to stay with families, mine was right beside a river where sometimes there are SLOTHS!!! Sadly, I did not see one, but maybe next time! The break down for the week was that the team would do work projects (painting, cementing, construction) in the mornings and then the afternoon there was a youth camp for the kids in the community. It was awesome! I was put in with a group there too (except i didn’t have to lead this one and no one was sent to the hospital – although i did do a little First Aid on one) and really connected with them, we’ve all exchanged numbers and are staying in contact – at the end of the
week 2 of our girls professed faith and a couple others renewed their commitment to the Lord and one (who’s family is very violent/ abusive) was not ready to declare anything but she has asked for prayer. When asked what her highlight of the week was she said it was getting to meet me! I felt so honoured, I’m going to be praying for her and ask that you do too!
This past week marked a milestone for me, I preached my very first sermon in Spanish! Well, I translated (English to Spanish), but it was still public speaking in a microphone in front of a packed church! I was so nervous I could not stop my hands from shaking and was so busy praying and focusing on doing a good job that… i forgot to translate what the American pastor was saying! Hahaha How embarrassing!!! By the end I settled in a bit and was told it went well.
My present from my mom (aka Canada!) came yesterday (she sent it December 6th, the wait was SOOO WORTH IT!!!). It was funny because the night before I had a dream about getting my present and had been praying I would get it by Friday and yesterday I got a message saying that my present had arrived and then 2 hours later it was in my arms!!!! It was 3x bigger than my wildest imagination!!! Inside was SO much I can’t even begin to explain, I was almost embarrassed when I was opening it because I felt that it was too much! I’ll say it….I'm totally spoiled! (not rotten though :p) Thank you SO SO SO much to everyone who contributed to its’ contents and the postage costs! I’m so blessed!
The sermon from last Sunday was on Genesis 22 and how God always provides and he really does! I am going to sign the contract for my new apartment this afternoon!!! It’s even got 2 bedrooms!!! aaah YAY!!!!
I have had an excellent 2 months!! My bug bites are healing up nicely! Soon I won’t look like a leper! I’ve been in a safe, loving home with some excellent spiritual parents! They are so supportive and generous and loving and wonderful!
I have had an excellent 2 months!! My bug bites are healing up nicely! Soon I won’t look like a leper! I’ve been in a safe, loving home with some excellent spiritual parents! They are so supportive and generous and loving and wonderful!
I have seriously excellent parents! I have been blown away with their loving support i mean they have to love me but they go above that and make me feel like even if they didn’t have to love me they would anyways!
I am starting a new journal!!! YAY! Everyone loves a fresh new journal!
For the volunteers in Aguas Claras! Olga, our cabin leader shared her testimony and it was a huge testament to the power of Jesus! IT was awesome and had a large impact on not only me, but our entire cabin! I’m so thankful for her willingness to be open and share! As well, the gringos’ testimonies were sensational, it was so cool too because a lot of people down here just assume that if you live in North America your life is perfect. However, that is not the case and through the testimonies of the gringos it was a great eye opener and allowed the community to see that the same issues that they face (abuse, alcoholism, idols…) are being faced in North America too, and that letting Jesus in really does help!!! aaaah :) so great!
I almost forgot! I’m so so so thankful for the Bible Study up North that did not know my camera had retired and sent me the money to get a new one!!! Bueno, they sent me money just for me (i was under strict orders it was to be used for something fabulous just for me)and it was enough to get a whole new camera!!!! And it’s like A MILLION times better than the camera I had before!!!! Well you can be the judge, i took lots of pictures on our one beach day while I was up in Guanacaste/Alejuela last week!
Ah! There are so many more things but it’s been a while since you had your pee break so I’ll try and wrap up quickly ;)
- For all the young people who gave their lives over to Jesus the past few weeks! That their new/renewed faith would be protected and nourished. That the Holy Spirit would fill them up with joy and a desire to read their Bibles and learn more about Jesus!
- For spiritual protection and growth – I have been under a lot of attack and it is unpleasant.
- For all the details of my team coming in April, so far I’m a bit behind schedule. Pray for a safe, wonderful place where not only the community will be impacted but also the team! Eek I’m excited to report back once they’ve come and gone and reminisce on all the awesome stuff that happened!
“The Lord says. “I will guide you along the best pathway of your life. I will advise you and watch over you”I am in good hands :)
Now for those of you who have made it this far i have a video treat for you! YAY!
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