Sunday, January 23, 2011

let the little children come to me…

“Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” – Matthew 19:14

i feel like a little child who has just found out that they are getting a swimming pool of candy that never runs out!  I am SO completely overcome with delight!  I LOVE what God is doing in my life, I LOVE the people he’s connecting me with, I LOVE that he loves me so much and i can’t screw it up…GAAAH!!!! i don’t even know how to explain everything that has been happening with me these past few weeks…

…God has been at work!  He’s really working on my trust factor – i mean of course i trust him but we’re working on trusting when he’s only given me a teeny tiny morsel of what is to come.  Just enough to know that something awesome is going to happen, but not enough to know what it is or how its going to be put into action…what a guy!  It’s definitely tricky but each time i feel needy i take a gander at Philippians 4:6-7

“Don’t be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving. Present your requests to God.  And the peace of God with transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” 

PRAISE! Okay so as we know there is a computer lab at new horizons where i am going to be teaching computer classes.  So i get here and realize, “hmm problem you don’t really know HOW to teach computer classes”  so i start praying for some knowledge and maybe like 2 days later i meet this guy who informs me that he knows a guy who not only is like a computer brainiac but he is looking for a computer lab to pimp out AND he is able and wanting to teach the boys how to assemble and fix computers, which is totally prime as most of the computers in the community are not up to par!  i mean excuse me Jesus but are you for serious you want to give me a helper AND provide a way to train boys for prime job opportunities!?!  So all this guy needs is the green light from the sponsoring church; i started praying for said light and wouldn’t you know but the next day i find out that he’s got it. So we’re getting new computers, a smarty pants instructor, AND the boys are going to be learning some seriously prime skills!!!

AAAH!  So the other day i was waiting for a friend in this park that has a little duck pond.  I had found this super prime spot right beside the water on a rock under a little tree and was having a delightful time watching the fish jump and the ducks..ducking around (doing duck things).  So as I'm sitting there this little girl comes by pulling her mom, she was completely entranced with the water and her mom was kind of freaking out because this little girl had no fear and was right on the edge.  So i figured i would help the mom a little…so i say to the little girl “do you like the ducks and the fish in the water” “YES!” she says..then i put my serious face on “well you had better be careful not to fall in because the fish in this pond EAT little girls and boys!” Her eyes got real wide and she backed away from the water and decided to sit on the ground beside my rock.  Then a few minutes later her little brother  comes running over grabs a random feather wriggles his way into my lap and starts to tickle me with said feather (he was so awesome!)…by the time my friend finds me i have 2 children at my feet (their cousin also came over) and 1 in my lap..i for serious felt like Jesus – come to me children.  As i left i felt the power of God’s love affirmed in me, these kids were so innocent (I'm sure their mothers wouldn’t completely agree , but still) and trusting, they didn’t know me at all and yet they threw themselves at me…it was like God showing me “Kayla this is how you love…”

i also got to help a little girl in my small group at kids club ask Jesus into her heart the week before last…it was soooo awesome, i don’t think I've ever done it before.  It felt so natural,  i prayed and her and her cousin repeated, it was uber prime!  For 2 weeks now I've been a small group helper and for 2 weeks the girls kind of fight over who gets to be in my group – i feel so popular!  They don`t even care that my spanish is ridiculously awful, in fact last week we finished our devotional time a little early the girls were like “kayla why don’t you read us the passage again so that we can remember and you can practice your spanish!”  i mean are you kidding me? they are seriously delightful! aaah I'm so blessed!

PRAYER!  So i would be so grateful if everyone could throw out some prayers for:

.my spanish to increase.

..for the Holy Spirit to crash down and completely envelope the community of La Carpio with God’s never ending and all consuming love..

for my english syllabus– I'm having a brain block on how to attack these classes


it was my friend Joann’s 15th birthday…SO after telling him the day before that i wouldn’t have enough time to make him a cake (as i had forgotten when his birthday was – i know shame on me)… i surprised him by actually making one and sneak attacking him with it!  he he…I'm so sneaky!

cake   IMG_1155

…he was pretty delighted..success!!!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome posting! God's teaching you so much, working through you in huge ways, lives are being transformed, truth is being taught. You are living and breathing the Christian life. I could not be a more proud friend! Love you hugs!
