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One day, I decided I didn’t need to sit around waiting for electricity, I could do other things, better things! Like clean the house (that one is usually a hard sell), garden, read a book, or use it as an excuse to go for a walk. Utilize this gift of disconnect vs. obsess about all the things i was “missing.” Often I will find myself feeling guilty or discouraged, that I’m not doing enough, beating myself up about not being ‘busy enough’ equating that to validity – how productive have I been? How can I measure my worth? Why do I feel so unmotivated, but at the same time want to do so many things, but not knowing where to start or allowing discouragement to come in and remind me of all my short comings and lack. Feeling so fickle and inadequate, comparative and nitpicky, striving for perfection while knowing that it is impossible… then wondering why I am so tired!
This season has had so many ups and downs, in some ways it’s like my regular life, metaphorically, has gone out – like my electricity. My schedules, routines, coping mechanisms, hobbies… just about everything has been affected and it’s hard. It’s hard, and exhausting, confusing, and for my little social butterfly heart, lonely. And yet, I know the power will come back on.
“Yes, the Lord pours down his blessings. Our land will yield its bountiful harvest. Righteousness goes as a herald before him,
preparing the way for his steps.” - Psalm 85: 12-13
- My friend, Mrs. H had a brain aneurism and is currently in the hospital, I have known her almost my whole life, if God chooses to take her home, please pray for comfort for those of us still here who will miss her dearly.
- My new volunteers are here, they are just finishing up language study and next month will be starting in their project. They had a healthy baby girl in April (one month after arriving here!). It has been a very busy 4 months – especially since it was only confirmed they were coming 3 days before their arrival! The learning curve has been steep, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to grow. Please keep the family in prayer as they navigate their new schedules, project, family and social life. For protection, grace, and abundant blessing.
The family with the pastor of their project - One of my Costa Rican friends has foot surgery on July 15, pray that they are able to remove all problematic tissue and he is able to make a full recovery.
- I am learning about trust in this season, and would appreciate prayer for comfort, wisdom and safety. I am happy to report that I have been sleeping a bit better than the previous months, which is wonderful – may the restful sleep continue!
- I've run into some friends from my dance class (which I haven't been able to attend since pre-pandemic). I also ran into a friend who I haven't seen in TEN years!! Last time I saw her she was single and moved to Argentina, well now as it turns out she lives 4 blocks away from me with her 2 daughters (one of whom is needing medical attention for a developmental issue).