Last night I was pondering what I was going to write for the ol’ blog – as I’ve been MIA for a wee while and then it hit me! I would share the list – and include pictures!!! The perfect combination!
ENERO/ JANUARY: New year means a new planner!!!! I LOVE my planner – this one has a monthly and daily part, it’s amazing!
- In December I received a certificate for Biblical Counselling from one of the local seminaries. One of my Tica friends came with her dad to cheer for me and remind me that I have family here too!
- This year started off by celebrating with my Tico family (I have a few, but these guys’ called first dibs) We celebrate Christmas, New Years and then usually some together time the first few days of the year. I am very grateful for them! Ciro (the dad) and I used to work together when I was first in Costa Rica in 2014 – back when my Spanish was non-existent and I had no idea of all that God had in store for me and Ticolandia!
- Jana (Strider from 2014-2016) came back for a visit!
- I helped translate for a medical caravan – and got some new pens!!! Doctor pens! They’re amazing! I also go to see a lot of friends and had a muscle contest with one of the local men (it was a draw, haha unless you ask him – he claims to be stronger, but I’ll let the evidence speak for itself…).
- Canadian visitors!!!! Some family friends came and spoiled me just shy of rotten! It was so relaxing and fun to not have to be responsible for anything and to just be showered with hugs, food and presents!!!! (which included but was not limited to a dream toaster, cinnamon buns from my mamma, so much tea! aaah I could go on and on!). I was so overwhelmed and encouraged by their visit, it was so fun to just have the space to be, to be fully accepted and loved.
- My local church had 2 camps (13-25 and 26+) I was able to help serve in the kitchen for the younger camp and be a campista/server for the older camp. It was a really fun to be able to get out of the normal routine and enjoy getting to know people better!
- My temporary roommate moved in on 31st She’s really great and it’s been so fun to have her here! She’s officially with me until May – but I’m pretty charming so I may be able to woo her to stay longer!
- Latin Link International Assembly 2018- it happens every 4 years. For those of you who have been with me for a while you may remember that I tried to go to the Assembly in Ecuador in 2014 and was denied entry at the border and abruptly deported! This year, assembly was in Guatemala and I was able to make it. It was a really great experience to see so many Latin Link members (some of whom I’d only ever met via email/Skype!) there were also a lot of LAM’ers as they were also invited to participate. It was like a giant family reunion and I fully enjoyed myself, learned a lot, hosted the talent show (it was so fun!), and had some very tasty food!
(Latin Link team 2018, reason for the season, LAM team 2018)
(Peru, England and Costa Rica all together!, a little talent show hosting, group of very talented people… and Kayla)
(out with the old and in with the new! We said “Toodlepip!” to Alan Tower as he has stepped down as International Director and big “Helloooo! to my friend, Mr. Paul Turner).
- After the Assembly wrapped up we had a few days to have our annual Central America South team
conference (Latin Link Nicaragua and Costa Rica). This was a good opportunity for some team bonding, administrative house keeping and voting in a third member for the leadership team – which as it turned out was me! I was little shocked at first (as I was only told I had been nominated maybe 10 minutes before the meeting!). Once digested though, it’s pretty exciting! I am encouraged and honoured to be able to serve on the team and to have this opportunity to have a greater influence!
Upon returning from Guatemala I was absolutely delighted to receive
After Auntie Shana shipped off I received a pair of Striders from Ireland who are currently serving in Chile –
spoiler alert – they’re wonderful and I love them! I knew that they were coming to CR a few months ago as they emailed me to ask for ideas of where to go, to stay etc.
(obviously I said they had to stay with me!) Then I officially met them in person at the IA and now that they’re a part of my life I do not even know how I survived without them before! It was SO fun to have them here with me, to be able to hear about their experiences and goals. I made it my mission to seduce them to come back and serve long term in Costa Rica, I feel like the odds are in my favour!
- Met up with the Costa Rican LAM team to spend time with a LAM board member (from Canada) who is here
visiting. It was encouraging to be in a room with over 305 years of mission experience in Costa Rica – LAM has a real history here. We were even fortunate enough to speak with the President of Costa Rica, who called to thank us for our work and allowing God to use us here to bless the country.
- I was able to go up to Aguas Claras this past weekend to spend some time with the community- visiting the church, the family I lived with during last year’s Step team and attending a 15th birthday party!!
I was able to meet up with a small mission team from a high school in Surrey (Canada) – one of the boys (the bringer of my gifts! I’ve known since he was a baby!), who came bearing presents from the North! While the trek to meet them was not an easy one, it was totally worth it! Before we parted ways their teacher/leader suggested they pray for me. The kids were so sweet and it really encouraged me – there may or may not have been some tears!
- Two boys with LAM arrive on Sunday to serve here for 3 months. Please pray for their experience here, spiritual growth, their mentors (both are new ones who I will be training tomorrow). It’s a bunch of firsts! My first boys, first time with these new mentors – I’m quite excited about it all!
- My Swiss strider is finishing up her time here with us in CR, please pray for her last few weeks. That God would really bless her and speak to her. Give her closure and peace and the ability to fully digest all that has happened while she’s been serving here the past 5 months.
- On February 26, the son (32) of a lady in my Thursday bible study suddenly passed away. The autopsy revealed that it was a fungus that had infected his entire body. Had it been discovered two weeks prior it would have been treatable and most likely saved his life. Please remember the family in prayer – I knew the son and the loss came as a shock and has brought a lot of confusion. At the end of the day one just has to trust that the Lord is good and that there is purpose in this. Please pray for peace and comfort for the family, as obviously, this has had a major impact.
- I’ve been making really great improvements with my shoulder/back – physio is going really well! Please continue to pray that my body would continue to heal and improve!
A rainbow is the perfect reminder of God’s faithfulness and promises. He who has called you is faithful – He won’t leave you hangingMy rendition of 1 Thessalonians 5:24