Hello my wonderful and beautiful supporters! I am so sorry to have neglected you for ..oh my! The past three months!!! My apologies, I will try to make it up to you with an epic update! I’m sure you have many or at least a few questions…
Question 1: Kayla!!? Where the heck have you been!??!
Well, I have been MANY places! I have been in Costa Rica, Canada and Costa Rica again! Over Christmas break my amazing babe of a brother surprised everyone (Including me) by whisking me up North to celebrate with everyone and enjoy the winter wonderland that has been the lower mainland! Once back in Costa Rica I got very very sick with a bacterial infection in my throat along with some allergy attacks and spent a fair bit of time in my bed. I also had a Central America team conference –which our Costa Rica team hosted, translated for a medical caravan (680 patients in 3 days), started back up at school (for those of you who don’t remember I am getting a certificate in biblical counselling) and just this weekend finished up a week and a bit of translating for a visiting evangelist from the ol’ U.S. of A!
Question 2: Do we get to see pictures?!Yes, you sure do!
My Christmas twins! I love my Chandler men! – Even if they don’t recognize me when I try to say “Hi” to them *Yes, my dad ignored me when I tried to say hello… He claims ignorance…
A few pictures from last week’s adventure in Alejuelita (translating)
Question 3: It sounds like you have been and are very busy…shouldn’t you be studying and not writing to us?That is a good point, I will get you some praise and prayer points and then be on my merry way!
- I learned how to make healthy ice cream our of bananas! Healthy AND delicious!
- These past two weeks and I have made numerous new contacts and am VERY excited about what the future holds! (Last night I got to go help out at a homeless shelter and it was soo much fun! I love meeting new people!)
- I just love you guys, my supporters! I may not know who all of you are but I am grateful for each and everyone of you! Today I was listening to a seminar about supporters and I just reflected on the faithfulness and love that is shown to me! I am very blessed! Thank you for being a part of that (be is prayerfully or financially…or both!)
- I have been connected with a refugee family(4) from El Salvador and we are praying that all their paperwork gets together and that God leads them to where they need to go. They were originally going to be staying with me for a minimum of 2 weeks, but God provided an apartment for them a few blocks from my home, so now we get to be neighbours and visit each others homes to shower when our water cuts off! They are so delightful! Please keep them in prayer as this transition came very quickly – they only had two days to pack up their entire lives and everything they left is still in limbo. Costa Rica is very expensive especially compared to El Salvador and so please pray that God provides work for the husband and/or wife. I am also asking you to pray for their emotional well being, they have been through something very traumatic and their future has a lot of unknowns, please pray that God would envelope them in peace and comfort knowing that He has everything under control.
- My mom had an accident at work a little while ago and it seems that she has a concussion and it has been causing her pain and affected her vision. Please pray that God would heal her ASAP. Actually, on that topic, last night I met a girl, Elizabeth, at the homeless shelter who has been on the streets since she was 14. She has a growth in her brain. Last night I prayed that God would heal her of that and I encourage you to join me. She is not a believer and wasn’t very open to the idea of it, but she allowed me to pray over her for healing and safety (she hitchhikes and rides the trains, she has been all over North and Central America and is currently planning to head to South America). If she comes to mind, or for that matter if you remember Wendy or Yessenia (2 other women I met last night) please lift them up. Wendy was raised by her grandparents who have now passed away – she started crying talking about them and I noticed that she has a lot of heaviness in her demeanour (she also suffers from physical pain which I noticed especially when she tried walking). Yess is a single mother who is separated form her child (9) and does not know when they will be reunited. I could go on from others that I met but those three came to mind just now. My heart aches for them and yet at the same time is overjoyed to have spent just a few hours with them.
-My English classes will be starting back up this Saturday, please pray for students, good curriculum and that we will have a lot of fun!
- Please pray God would continue to provide nourishing and fulfilling FUN friendships! And that he would keep me healthy :) I am also taking into light some projects I have come across recently and seeking The Lord’s will if He would have me serve in a greater capacity with any ..or all of them!