Some of you may have received a request from Feedburner to follow the blog, that is because I did not receive a response from you last month (when I sent out my monthly email reminder). Which, I assume, means you did not receive the email. As I explained in last month’s reminder it looks like a lot of you have not been receiving any of my correspondence *check your Spam folders* (re: blog updates or personal emails), which makes me quite sad. Hopefully though, it explains why I haven't heard back from many of you!... at least, I'm hoping that's the reason. :)
**To ensure that I am able to communicate with you if you could please add my email ( to your address book that would be extremely helpful (and send me a little message if you like, letting me know you’re still alive and well! )**
Okay, now for the fun stuff! This month, like all the others has just flown by! I’ve experienced quite a few natural disasters- there’s been a few earthquakes (tiny ones, no need to worry), I had a flood, the equivalent of hurricane rain – okay okay I’m exaggerating, because it’s fun and I can! Yes, it’s been raining a lot, but nothing
out of the ordinary and the flood was just in my bedroom – because I forgot to close my window on Sunday…so technically I brought that upon myself – that’s what I get for wanting fresh air!
October started off with me finding my missing chapstick!!!!!! Now, before you scoff and chalk it up to me being a silly girl you should know this beloved chap has been missing since June (I think, I blocked out the time of loss as it was too painful! haha!) then one day I decided to go for a run (and by run I mean walk in running apparel) and BEHOLD in the secret pocket of my shorts was my tiny grapefruity piece of heaven! How can one not have a great month with that as the opener!?! This month I have really been able to use my home to love on other people (cafecitos, meals, movie nights etc), each week has seen a number of visitors (of the two and four legged variety…), I also was able to host our monthly team meeting here last Sunday. There has been laughter, hugs, prayers, tears, in some cases screams. Okay in one case a scream, and it was mine, when I found a rat in my laundry room drain! I’m fairly certain I scared him more than he scared me haha he smashed his head on the grate and booked it out of there, hopefully never to return!
“All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” – 2 Corinthians 1:3-4It’s been a really exciting month in terms of seeing growth! I’ve had quite a few people come to me for prayer and guidance and many of the situations they’re facing are things that I’ve dealt with in the past. I have been able to comfort them the way God comforted/s me – well not exactly the same as I am not God, obviously. It is just such a blessing to be entrusted with that kind of responsibility.
A friend of mine got a peek into a day in the life of Kayla a few weeks ago. She tagged along with me and experienced the joy that it is to have your debit cards rejected multiple times from the ATM, get no help from the local bank, need to run around for hours trying to determine what the problem could be, if the local ATM robbed your money or it’s simply out of order, she got to sit with me on the phone with the Canadian bank and after the entire morning passed away finally be able to take out enough money to pay for a needed vaccine (because I’m going to Peru next month!!!). After we finally got everything done (bank, vaccine, visit to the health ministry to get a card saying I was vaccinated – which i was told would take days and only ended up taking minutes, God works everything out!!!) with an exasperated look on her face - she said “Kayla?! Have you always been this patient??” to which I chuckled, “definitely NOT!” not really knowing what else to say. I know that God has been helping me with patience, especially since I started praying for it a few years back (a risky move, I must say). So far though, I’m still alive ;)
>>> Joy is not dependant on circumstances <<<
but it’s a lot easier when there’s so much to be thankful for!
but it’s a lot easier when there’s so much to be thankful for!
>I’ve been setting up things for my THREE (if everything works out) new Striders, scheduled to come early next year<
>Thanksgiving was celebrated with a Bourne marathon and “cheddar” cheese!!!<
>The Latin Link Coordinator from Scotland is coming for a visit in a few weeks and I’ll be taking him to Valle Verde where the team was in April, so that he can meet some of the community<
Prayers needed:
- My friend’s mother recently had corrective eye surgery and while the procedure seemed to have gone smoothly her blood pressure is extremely high and the eyes are very swollen. Please pray that the swelling and BP go down and that she makes a full and quick recovery. Additionally, their family business has been receiving hassle from the municipality and they have been evicted from space that they’ve been renting (they run a small homeopathic pharmacy) because the owner wants to change the contract so she can charge more for rent. It’s been a rough month for their family, please keep them in your prayers.
- My mom let me know that a woman we know back home has been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. Please pray for healing and comfort for her and her family.
- November 13-22 I will, Lord willing, be in Peru for a Latin Link leadership conference! Please pray for safe travel and that the conference will go well and we will have good speakers, conversation, fellowship and it will just be an excellent time overall.
- Financial stability, the Lord, is always faithful, let’s keep it that way :)
“Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him.”
Psalm 105:4