There’s nothing like going to top off an otherwise relaxing, recuperating stay at home, rainy Saturday with a nice manicure than to find a thumb sized cockroach in with all your nail polish!!! Yes, I am somewhat embarrassed to report that I screamed and did a disgusted shiver dance before running downstairs to find my cockroach spray! *shudder they’re so icky and you never get used to them just springing up out of nowhere - did i mention, the nail polish box lives under my bed 0_O I had nightmares about them coming up for a pijamada and accidently eating one in my sleep…ick!
SO! I’ve been away for 3 lovely weeks up North (The Great
White one) which was just excellent, I may or may not have
tried to squeeze in too much – jury's still out on that one :)
There are really no words to describe it so I’ll just bombard
you with pictures and trust that my face will serve as a tiny
view into how amazing my visit was! Hugs, snuggles, sports,
food, friends, fam, and wedding OH MY!!! I loves me some BC!
(so i recognize that’s probably a bit tricky to read…but so cool right?!?!)
I also went to the dentist!
I feel like I’m somehow jipping you guys by not going into more details about everything, but to be honest words haven’t been my strongest subject as of late. If you are dying to know more and feel ripped off, let me know and I’ll see what I do :)
My life is Sooo exhausting! *insert smug smile . It was actually a great opportunity for me to get to know more of the country. In the past, and normally, I’m not much of a tourist which before wasn’t a big deal. However, now that I am responsible for others and have been here a while I get asked fairly frequently where good places to go are, what’s worthwhile etc etc and never have decent responses….until NOW that is!!!
We hit up a popular beach here, Manuel Antonio (we had a connection whose family lives close-by which meant FREE ACCOMMODATION and FOOD!!! *sigh i love free!) We went to the National Park and it was worth it! We saw monkeys, crabs, iguanas, SLOTHS!!!!, birds, racoons (which people get really excited about here and when I don’t react in like are very confused, haha if only they knew! Racoons, please!)
We hit up a popular beach here, Manuel Antonio (we had a connection whose family lives close-by which meant FREE ACCOMMODATION and FOOD!!! *sigh i love free!) We went to the National Park and it was worth it! We saw monkeys, crabs, iguanas, SLOTHS!!!!, birds, racoons (which people get really excited about here and when I don’t react in like are very confused, haha if only they knew! Racoons, please!)
We also hit up some museums, a volcano aaaand THE MINIONS movie!!!
Let’s get excited!!! pfff!!! As if you aren’t already!
- There’s a team coming in on Saturday until the 4th of August, so this weekend I’ll be heading up to translate and love on some people in Aguas Claras! (Same team leader as the group from January)
- Today I was in sewing class and one of the women saw some o
f the toques
and headbands I’ve crocheted and asked if I would teach a few classes so that the women could learn how to make them too. She said that as she is currently unemployed it would be a great way for her generate some income. I of course
said “YES!” So Profe Kayla will be making her return to the front of the class sometime in the next month! (This pictures are a few of the things I’ve whipped up the past few days)
- Today someone complimented me on how good my English was! She was shocked when I informed her that it better be
as I’m Canadian! Although, thinking about it now, being Canadian doesn’t necessarily ensure that one would have good English…
- Also, I held a one month old today…so cute! Her name’s Jade
Prayer requests
- For my translating skills! The team comes in on Saturday and is a bit larger than the last. Please pray the Lord will give me wisdom, the right words and tones and basically will be able to communicate smoothly within the two languages! The goal is to not offend anyone this time `round!
- I’d like to start this one by saying thank you so much for all of you who take the time to catch up on all my comings and goings, praying for me and supporting me. I appreciate it so much! Please pray that the Lord would continue to provide for all my needs. My mission has reported that my monthly support is at about half of what they’d like to see coming in. The cost of living here is very high and it’s reflecting. So please pray that The Lord will raise up new donors.
If you feel led to give see the side bar on the right side that says “Want to Support Kayla?!” or feel free to contact me (
A little intense, especially that last verse. I thought to myself “i do not want to be like Job’s friends – when times get tough (His whole family has died and he had lost essentially all he owned) they just assume he was guilty of some sin and instead of comforting him they attack him and tell him God is punishing him because he’s done something evil. Which was not the case in the slightest! I don’t want to be one of those people who dries up simply because it gets a little hot out. I want to overflow with grace, compassion and love for others. Please pray that God will fill me daily so that I may in turn lavish others with all the love He shows me!“ brothers you have proved as unreliable as a seasonal brook that overflows its banks in the spring when it’s swollen with ice and melting snow. But when the hot weather arrives, the water disappears. The brook vanishes in the heat. The caravans turn aside to be refreshed but there is nothing to drink, so they die”
- Job 6:15-18
SURPRISE!!! There was NO zoom in this - that's how close we were!!!! - i almost peed my pants i was so excited!