I am finally here in Guatemala, I’ve technically been here for two days (I arrived Thursday morning). I had no issues at the airport – with the exception of being forced to pay $150 to check one of my carry on bags at LAX. That was the only bump in what was otherwise a smooth journey! God is very good!
I am now settled in my home for the next 6 weeks, granted we (Brigitte and I) will be spending quite a few nights away visiting other projects. Brigitte is doing the same training I am doing, however, she will be serving in Bolivia. We just arrived home actually after spending the night with one of our STEP teams that are here from Great Brittan. For those of you asking…“Kayla…what’s a STEP team??” That is the term we use to describe the groups that come for anywhere from 3 weeks – 4 months. It was pretty fun meeting so many new people – all of whom had lovely accents! Oddly enough they seemed to think that I had an equally delightful accent eh…
So far everything has been great, my roomies are delightful, and actually, the weather is pretty much the same here as it is in Vancouver right now. Except here there are heavy afternoon thundershowers. We got stuck in one yesterday and had to dodge hail while trying not to fall into the flooded streets- it was pretty fun!
Prayer requests:
Aside from the usual safety, Spanish comprehension and health it would be awesome if you could pray that I would be able to fully soak up all the wisdom and knowledge of my profe Suzanne! We are going to be very busy and I want to retain as much of the information I am learning as possible.