*siiiigh I've just returned from a wonderful three and a half day venture up to Guanacaste. A friend of mine invited me to go up to the resort where her parents are staying so they could shower me with juice and rest. How could i say no?!
So we get there Tuesday night and the next few days are
a blur of getting stung by a jelly fish, eaten alive by sand fleas, the beach, the pool, hammocks, pasta, hummus, ice cream, pina coladas, movies, iguanas, crazy costa rican squirrels, vultures, shell hunting, brilliant conversations, get too much sun, frisbee, random locals, nachos, naps and horseback riding at sunset…which brings us to our story…
… so Walter, the guide, and I after trying and failing to take a wonderful picture of me with the sunset find ourselves needing to catch up to the other girls as we were pretty
far behind. Solution:we must gallop, not a big deal, i like running, next thing i know “Lista?!” (ready)…*gulp “yep!” Then Walter smacks my horse and we both start off into a run ..fun until my horse decides that we at the Pan American games and he MUST win! He glances over at Walter’s horse whinnies and books it double time, (let’s remember i am in flip flops..hahah) I wish i could say that i was wicked awesome tucked my head in and jockeyed it up..haha that did not happen…so picture this the other two girls far ahead having a wonderful, calm conversation when all of a sudden they hear a high pitch wail: “WWWWAAAAALLLLLLTEEEEEEEEEEEEEREER!!!!!!!!!” haha as i zoom by… baahahaha oh man it was awesome!
This morning was our departure day and the only bus left at 4.30 IN the morning…eww right?! As we are walking to the stop we watch the bus fly by – we were 10 minutes early too…very un latiny. So a little panicky as there is only one bus and Audrey has a flight out tomorrow we needed to get back today so we are waiting, praying that it wasn’t actually our bus, and around 4.45 another bus comes – we hail it down and show him our tickets for the original bus he’s like “oh ya that bus is gone” greeeat. So we ask him where he is going, he’s going to Nicoya (from there we would have to hunt down another bus and probably have to wait until 9am to catch another bus to San Jose) so we get on his bus (which was like a space ship on the inside with blue lights and everything) as it really was our only option. I was disappointed because we had already bought the tickets for the first bus
and it just felt like a waste of money. BUT lo and behold we drive along in the space bus
for about 20ish minutes (during this whole time the drive had some pretty prime music going
on) and who do we see stopped up ahead of us…OUR BUS! so space bus pulls right infront so it can’t leave and we make the switch! Success!!!

How is it that i am so lucky to have a God who in the midst of my craziness pulls me away sends me to just reaffirm that He’s got my back and that there’s no need for me to worry or fret or even spend hours pondering about my future. He was straight up “look kayla you thought you missed your bus, but you kept walking and i hooked you up..YET again” sheesh what a guy! I don’t know exactly what I am going to do regarding next year, but as long as i continue to devote myself to prayer with an alert mind and thankful heart (col 4.2) God’s gona pull it all together! I mean if he cares about our bus drama how much more does He care about my life drama..i think I'm covered 
AHH I’m excited for tomorrow, while i enjoyed my time in the beach i am suuper ready to get back to my peeps in the hood..five days away is too long. EEK tomorrow we will be reunited! AAAND for those of you keeping track 2 weeks, 3 days and 3 hours until me and brotha chan will be reunited!!!! YAY!!!