So I've been back from Florida for a week now – it’s crazy how quickly time has been flying by. To wrap up Florida was excellent (bet you thought i was going to say prime…well tricked you fools! muahaha!) mmm Anyways…
I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Pensacola, it was an intense week to say the least, i don’t know what else could’ve been crammed in. I don’t even really have a highlight because so many wonderful things happened, it was a smorgasbord of delight! I got to watch one of my best friends graduate college and then 2 days later was able to stand up for her and her new hubby! Never having had been in any weddings up until this past December and then this one I gotta say they are not as glamorous as you imagine growing up. Between all the random problems combined with heightened crazy emotions its a miracle everyone shows up somewhat on time looking alive! Ah what a fun week it was! I made new friends, got to see old ones, my parents made an appearance – yes Jeff Chandler took 4 airplanes- that in itself is a miracle! They took me on a dolphin cruise, we went to a fort, i saw a sting ray, i witnessed a legit block party (complete with ribs, bootylicious honeys struttin’ around in their bikinis, and of course the police..), went grocery shopping! I had my fill of ice cream, yummy Filipino cuisine, not to mention dominated an intense plate of nachos and top it off with a 3 tier keylime pie…which apparently stayed with me as when i got back one of my little friends comes up grabs a handful of my stomach and says “Whoa kayla WHAT were you eating you’re SO fat!!!!” haha how does one respond to this? perhaps he should instead just say thank you because more squish would make my hugs even more amazing…
So in honour of my upcoming birthday (one week tomorrow) I've decided to put together 24 things to which i am grateful for. God has blessed me beyond measure, guaranteed more than i am even aware of, so as a homage to him for allowing me to stick around for a 24th year here we go…
1. Wonderful greetings and hugs! A few weeks back i was walking to open up the kitchen in Carpio and my friend Pate ran up behind me kicked out my feet from under me so i landed right on top of him and then he gave me a huge hug! Did i almost pee on him from fear…of course, but super awesome none-the-less!
2. Irony So while on the dolphin cruise the captain asked me if i wanted to drive “I haven’t driven anything in months uh yes please!” I assumed it was just for show and i wouldn’t actually have control but still a steering wheel is a steering wheel. So i take the wheel and fling it to the right…and the boat takes a HARD right hahaha
3. Loving notes/cards of encouragements I've got some seriously wonderful people in my life
4. Surprises! These speak for themselves
5. Being taken care of When i was at the airport waiting to head out to Florida I'm standing in line waiting to check in, look over and spot an acquaintance of mine who just so happens to be on the same flight! Random, yet absolutely perfect because then i didn’t have to wait alone, and my connecting time was less than a half hour in Houston and i was nervous as i had to pick up my bags and hit up customs and immigration but God used him to help me stay calm and i didn’t miss my flight! i fell up the stairs and had a bloody finger BUT i made my flight! success!
6. My host family they’re just so fun and I'm situated perfectly.
7. My blood parents oooh man it was SO excellent to see them, they’re growing up so fast, trying new things and being all crazy it was so refreshing! Not to mention they brought me presents and i do like those!
8. Candy *sigh how i love thee my wonderful delicious candy!
9. Random people like this boy who decided to whip out his dance moves on our dolphin cruise!
10. Women in La Carpio. This week i was helping translate for a super delightful group of nurses from NY. At one station we were handing out antiviral pills. Women who are breastfeeding cannot take them as the effects on the baby is unknown. So this one woman is breastfeeding (boob out and everything, naturally) and i tell her she can’t take the pill because she is breastfeeding, so she does what anyone would do, rips the baby off her boob quickly pulls up her shirt and sticks out her hand…hahaha! Then i had to explain that it was not just in that moment but in general. This happened twice :)
11. Internet how else would i be able to share all the super prime things God’s got going on in my life with all of you!
12. Mangas just as delicious as a mango but 3 times bigger!
13. My Bible awww how precious hahaha but for serious
14. The Japanese how else would i have been introduced to bento boxes!
15. Music of just about every variety!
16. The ability to openly share God’s love When out with the team this mother came up to me wanting to know what she should do as her daughter has been sick for a really long time and nothing in the hospital or clinics was helping. After telling her i wasn’t a nurse i told her that i couldn’t offer her any meds but i could pray for her daughter…she said yes with real big eyes and oh man it was prime!
17. Gallo Pinto mmm what’s not to love? rice.. beans..lizano.. el amor de mi mama…ooh so good!
18. Smiles!
19. Talking about boys and relationships with Tanya and Katie in Spanish haha i can’t even begin to explain how hilarious that conversation was
20. Grace how wonderful it is to know that through all my mistakes and screw ups that i can remain confident knowing i am safe and secure in the arms of my wonderful Saviour.
21. Grandma Chan ahhh she’s so wonderful Grandpa is uber lucky. For those of you who see my grandma please go up and give her 2 giant hugs…one from me and the other is for your own personal enjoyment!
22. Tresemme hair products don’t laugh i really am! Its professional quality at an affordable price… not to mention it has an intoxicating aroma!…. i should be getting paid for this plug hahah
23. Costa Rica haha how could being here NOT make the list!
24. Friends!!! “Two are better than one…if one falls down, [her] friend can help [her] up, but pity the [lady] who falls and has no one to help [her] up! Ecclesiastes 4.10
And i fall a LOT so it’s a good thing that God’s got my back with more than one friend!
Case in point i had a wonderful time in Florida and am super hopeful that this upcoming year is gona knock last year out of the water!
For those of you who are praying along side me, THANK YOU so much! It is extremely appreciated.
I’ve been really taken with Ephesians 4 I’m praying that i will be able to uphold the examples it sets of building up the body of Christ through gentleness, patience, and love.
Also my Spanish is always in need of a boost!
haha who’s tired of reading yet?! get excited because my maypril update video will be out at the end of the month…YES 2 months in 1 convenient video!!!