Hey everyone - if anyone still comes to check the blog! I know I haven't updated in a while, I have been doing newsletters! If you are interested in receiving them please send me a message and I can add you to the list!
lots of love,
Hey everyone - if anyone still comes to check the blog! I know I haven't updated in a while, I have been doing newsletters! If you are interested in receiving them please send me a message and I can add you to the list!
lots of love,
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One day, I decided I didn’t need to sit around waiting for electricity, I could do other things, better things! Like clean the house (that one is usually a hard sell), garden, read a book, or use it as an excuse to go for a walk. Utilize this gift of disconnect vs. obsess about all the things i was “missing.” Often I will find myself feeling guilty or discouraged, that I’m not doing enough, beating myself up about not being ‘busy enough’ equating that to validity – how productive have I been? How can I measure my worth? Why do I feel so unmotivated, but at the same time want to do so many things, but not knowing where to start or allowing discouragement to come in and remind me of all my short comings and lack. Feeling so fickle and inadequate, comparative and nitpicky, striving for perfection while knowing that it is impossible… then wondering why I am so tired!
This season has had so many ups and downs, in some ways it’s like my regular life, metaphorically, has gone out – like my electricity. My schedules, routines, coping mechanisms, hobbies… just about everything has been affected and it’s hard. It’s hard, and exhausting, confusing, and for my little social butterfly heart, lonely. And yet, I know the power will come back on.
“Yes, the Lord pours down his blessings. Our land will yield its bountiful harvest. Righteousness goes as a herald before him,
preparing the way for his steps.” - Psalm 85: 12-13
The family with the pastor of their project |
The other day I sat down at my table and, like I do before just about every update, I pulled out a blank sheet of paper and started going through my calendar and journal to see what happened since I last wrote; what stands out? Writing down the highlights and lowlights and then taking some time to pray about what to share. This time the list was kind of dull, I thought “do people really want to hear about all the meetings, conferences, trainings, meetings, retreats, meetings, administrative responsibilities and dare I mention *smirk*… the meetings that I’ve participated in, led, and helped develop?” Perhaps…but I don’t want to tell you about them! Heehee! Instead, I decided that with all the stresses, fear, negativity and just disappointments I would take the time to make a list of things I love, a gratitude list, if you will – one thing for everyday until Christmas! Initially, my intention was to share it with you, but as I wrote and wrote… and wrote and wrote, I looked back and thought that while I’m very happy to share with anyone and everyone things that I am grateful for it could be nice to give you the chance to make your own list – instead of reading mine. What are you grateful for? What are 3 good things that have happened this past week? What is worth celebrating?
Celebrating?! Kayla aren’t you aware we’re in a pandemic, we’re locked up, our hands are tied, people keep telling us what we can and cannot do… this is a nightmare and not worthy of celebration!!
Yes, we are in a less than ideal time. Yes, there are plenty of reasons to have a case of the sads, the grumpies, the bitters… but also, through these things reasons for joy, hope and community have emerged! Now this is by no means a shame on you for having some rough times, mental health is important and I too go through the different stages of grief on quite a regular basis. I have beat myself up for feeling sad and bored while people have literally lost all their belongings in hurricanes, have lost loved ones, don’t have a safe place to go, are displaced, don’t know where their next meal is going to come from. Even thinking about it now, my heart breaks. I wish I could fix everything, help everyone and basically make everything better…but spoiler alert… I can’t. I’m not God and this isn’t heaven. Things will never be perfect here.
People will fail.
There will be injustice.
However, does that mean we throw in the towel and call it quits?! …. Yes!?…..kidding! NO!! Of course not!!
“Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer!” - Romans 12:10-15
It is easy to feel kicked around, beat up, exhausted and discouraged - especially this year! Certain coping techniques and outlets for stress and frustrations aren’t available, so how am I supposed to be joyful, keep my fervour and not lose my zeal?
By loving on others! How could you honour someone else today?
On that note, here are 3 good things that have happened this last week:
“I’m bad… but good… but not great… but actually I’m generally happy… actually ask me again in 15 minutes and lets see where I’m at then!” Some days it can feel like a teeter totter, ups and downs and occasionally you find the ‘sweet spot’ of being perfectly balanced in the middle.
Ah the joy of having feelings! Am I right?
Faithfulness – For those of you not familiar with bible stuff, Jacob is kind of a deviant – actually lets just call it what it is he’s a sneaky sneak who is, on the whole, not a super great guy – he stole from his brother, tricked his dad, has mommy issues and honestly probably didn’t even have a great beard (his brother Esau was the hairy one, Jacob was like your dainty, soft hands, not the one you want helping you carry the couch – to go in for a second Friends reference he was the Chandler when they had to carry Ross’ new couch). AND YET, even though Jacob deserves literally nothing God still is going to give Jacob the land he was promised, he’s still going to be with him… he’s STILL going to use Jacob’s family line to bless the entire world! What?!? God are you serious?? This guy?? And yet God says “all the families of the earth will be blessed through you and your descendants. What’s more, I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go…I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I have promised you.” (v14-15). Jacob deserves nothing, he’s broken quite a few commandments, who knows if he’s even repented yet and still God isn’t throwing him back…He remains faithful, even when Jacob isn’t.
Social – What a weird word to have come at you right? Wrong! One of the things that I have found to be both refreshing and stressful is the amount of alone time with Kayla this pandemic has cultivated. She’s great don’t get me wrong, but also… she’s not that great haha! I am quite a social lady and the lack of physical visiting has definitely brought on a variety of emotions. Yet, in all of it i have God reminding me that He’s around and that He will not leave, no matter how many times I fail on the simplest of things. “I am with you” (v15). Even though I don’t get to be as social as I would like, I am not alone.
Opportunities – There are so many great opportunities that have been coming out of this season, I have been able to continue to learn how to rest, reconnect with people (local and abroad). I have been able to work through times of anxiety, panic and stress, learning to literally ask myself “okay, where is God in this?” confront my fears and practice giving them to God then trusting He will take care of it - easier said than done, but poco a poco :) Aside from my personal spiritual journey I have been invited into the journies of many others, with the restrictions and lock downs, not being able to go out I have gotten to know my neighbours on a deeper level, I am taking advantage of a ton of online courses and resources and putting a lot of the new knowledge straight to use!
So, what’s the take away, what can you add to your bank of knowledge and reflect on when times are tougher? Well, we are deeply loved by God, we don’t deserve it! Yet, He loves and wants us, He is faithful. He wants to spend time and be social with us and He is constantly giving us opportunities to participate in what He’s doing. If you beleive and trust those things, what would it look like in your day to day?
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”